How to Install Designer


Designer can be installed through the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Thonny in two ways:

  1. Through the Thonny package manager
    • Open the package manager through Tools -> Manage packages

    • Type in the search bar for “designer”

    • Press “Find packages from PyPI”

    • Designer should be loaded from the search. Press “Install”.


  1. Through the Thonny system shell
    • Open the Thonny system shell through Tools -> Open system shell

    • Type pip install designer

To make sure that Designer has been successfully installed, open a new Python (.py) file.

Type from designer import *.

If this line of code runs without error, Designer has been successfully installed!


Check out Designer quick start Designer Quick Start Guide.

Command Line

Designer can also be installed straight from the command line through pip install designer.

It can also be installed on a Python virtual environment.


Check out Designer quick start Designer Quick Start Guide.